
Almost one third of the workforce is suitably skilled for employment at Arrow248, an unrivalled number both regionally and nationally. 20.6% of workers are employed in manufacturing and 11.8% in Transport and Storage, double the national averages. In addition, 1,600 people are unemployed within the local area and 30,000 unemployed people live within a 45 minute drive.

The region around Arrow248 also enjoys a steady supply of new workers to the industry.

Northampton and Tresham Colleges offer Warehousing and Distribution apprenticeships, while Northampton College trains the next generation of logistics workers in a specialist academy.

Corby is the fastest growing town outside London with a growth rate of 20% over the last 10 years. This expansion is set to continue, with North Northamptonshire setting a strategic house building target of 33,851 by 2021 to meet demand.

Percentage employed in manufacturing

(% of total)

Source: ONS

Average hourly pay

(full time workers)

Source: Nomis Official Labour Market Stats

Concentration of employment in the transport and storage sectors

Source: Oxford economics

Percentage employed in transport and storage

(% of total)

Source: ONS

Drive to work times for Midlands Logistics Park

Source: Mercator GeoSystems

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